Comments on: Easy Pulled Pork Sliders on Hawaiian Rolls Making Dinner Time Fun, Simple, & Delicious Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:43:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Claire Wells Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:43:20 +0000 In reply to Greg K..

Hi Greg, WOW!
Thanks so much for your comment 🙂 It made my day.
So happy you liked the sliders. They’re a hit in my house, too!

By: Greg K. Mon, 25 Mar 2024 01:11:45 +0000 KimmieKimmieKIMMIE!!! 🙂 Where do I even start? Made these tonight for a get together with a couple of friends. Just done cleaning up and had to write. These turned out just awesome. They were so good and flavorful and deliciously moist but not sopping. The crunch from the slaw cabbage put it over the top! Also added dill pickle chips and a drizzle of ranch dressing to each one. Made a lot of extras (just in case) and still have half of my pork shoulder roast left over unshredded! The boys and me, yeh, we like to eat! Well, there ain’t none left!! We were still talking about them as the last buddy headed home! Needless to say these little sliders were the hit of the dinner eats. We all pretty much went into a food-coma from them! 🙂 We would have been fine but they’re just one of “things” that you can’t/don’t stop eating til the last one is gone!! Pretty much everyhing else served had leftovers, but not them! Will probably shred the rest of the pork later this week and make some more to bring to my co-workers. Thanks for sharing that recipe. I’ve made several of yours now and must say, whatever the occasion, the guests want the recipe of what I’ve brought!! I will start commenting more on your stuff as I remake them because they are flippin’ good!
